Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Transcendental Rebirthing & the Power of Breathwork

This month, I offer you this beautiful article by one of my all time favorite Breathworkers, Ivonne Alexander. It is an honor and a pleasure—a blessing—to call her my student, teacher, and friend.

Transcendental Rebirthing & the Power of Breathwork

And when I breathed, my breath was lightning. ~Black Elk

In the beginning there was the word, yet before this word there was the first breath that carried the Prana for creation.Prana is the breath of life, the vitality of spirit. Without it, there is no experience of what we call reality, others or self. Breath in its essence includes this energy, which in Transcendental Rebirthing is seen as the elixir that keeps us all connected to the divine in all, through the divine within.

Through the awareness of the breath, and the interconnectedness that occurs with others, we consistently create a surrounding field where all energy is transferred, shared and exchanged. Thoughts, emotions, actions and intents, are transported through the field of breath in to others psyches and life field forces.

I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am, I am. ~Sylvia Plath

It doesn’t surprise me that for eons now all ancient & current spiritual teachers, all ancient schools of self mastery have focused on breath work, on the very one thing: that upon inhaling there is life, and upon exhaling there is release.

We too should make ourselves empty, that the great soul of the universe may fill us with its breath. ~Laurence Binyon

Prana (प्राण, prāṇa) is the Sanskrit word for “vital life”. It is one of the five organs of vitality or sensation. The practice of Pranayama is a MUST for any practitioner of yoga, meditation, or spiritual practice. Through it the control of prana is achieved (initially) from the control of one’s breathing.

According to Yogic philosophy the breath, or air, is merely a gateway to the world of prana and its manifestation in the body. In yoga, pranayama techniques are used to control the movement of these vital energies within the body, which is said to lead to an increase in vitality in the practitioner.

All the principles of heaven and earth are living inside you. Life itself is truth, and this will never change. Everything in heaven and earth breathes. Breath is the thread that ties creation together. ~Morihei Ueshiba

In Vedanta philosophy, prana is the notion of a vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and vital energy comparable to the Chinese notion of Qi that flows through a network of fine subtle channels called nadis or meridians.

A man must be strong in that profession; he must have vigor of body and mind. Yet I am all out of breath if I walk up a hill; I have not the heart to crush even a fly. ~Gregorio M. Sierra

In Transcendental Rebirthing we use and invoke the breath OF THE DIVINE MOTHER ENERGY, the pranic energy that supports rebirth and intention into actualized brilliancy and cycle-completion manifestations. It also supports the breath as the sacred language that keeps us connected to a higher purpose for the benefit of the whole.

Smile, breathe and go slowly. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

We believe that if one is aware of the breath, this creates a mirror neuron effect in others, who effortlessly, and without being directed to DO THE BREATH WORK, naturally begin to experience this conscious awareness. Forcing others to breathe creates its opposite effect.

A healthy mind has an easy breath. ~Author Unknown

Breathing is an unconscious competent act for most of humanity. The breath of spirit and of love is something that requires reawakening, rebirth and restoration into human consciousness.

With our very breath we connect to the whole. Which each, inhale we create new possibilities for the oneness of it all. And every exhale sends a message to the whole of humanity in an instant.

Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. ~Oprah Winfrey

It is not possible not to be connected with others through the breath. Breath knows no concept of time, space or separation, thus our breath is connected to the lineage of our ancestors and our future generations in this very moment.

The non linearity of breath makes time disappear, and our connection to the Source of it all—that in TR we experience as the presence of God—undeniable.

Learn how to exhale, and the inhale will take care of itself. ~Carla Melucci Ardito

Within the sacred womb of life embraced by the Divine mother energy, our breath is a tool that transcends the doing, and embraces the being.

Breathing with awareness ceases struggles, righteousness and unnecessary competition with each other. Breath, right now in humanity, is the most powerful sacred language & prayer of unification we all have.

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again. ~L. Frank Baum

Imagine if for one minute, and only one, the whole of humanity agreed upon a day, a time where for 60 seconds we will speak nothing but the sacred language of breath. That we all, wars, television networks, schools, government organizations pause for one single minute just to breathe… imagine:

What could possibly happen then?
Will we all feel the oneness then?
Wouldn’t we all drop our separation and pettiness, and embrace the human essence of soul connection?
Would we finally manifest Peace on Earth?

Yet since this sixty-second experiment is not happening, or at least, not yet… we can begin right now with ourselves. In the sacred realm of Transcendental Rebirthing we can remember that every single being is sacred.

Starting with ourselves we have the capacity to become the butterfly effect… That with our breath can heal and transform, we can transmute, relax, and share the gift of living—the breath of life.

Breathwork then, with this awareness is no work at all, but a sacred offering to the divine within each of us, and to the divine in all. Thus it will be appropriate then to rename it as Breath-joy.

Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God. ~Krishnamacharya

We pray and wish for you all to Breathe with awareness; we pray for us all to
breathe with ease, to recognize the collective effect this has far beyond words and thoughts.
Prana is transferred through breath, and through it we hold hands with our human family just by the simple sound of the inhale and the exhale… with the sound of AH.

All things share the same breath – the beast, the tree, the man… the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports. ~Chief Seattle

We invite you with awareness to inhale peace, exhale possibilities; inhale awareness, exhale transmutation; inhale presence, exhale the present; inhale love, exhale joy.

There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then, there’s another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity. ~Rumi

May you inhale and exhale the love that you are, have been, and will always be! And may we all be aware that in this very moment we are being breathed and created by God.

Breathfuly yours,
Ivonne Delaflor
Founder & Creator of the Transcendental Rebirthing System

For more information about Breathwork, please go to

Download your free copy of my book, "Shut Up And Breathe!"

PS: If you are ready to get onto the Path of Breath Mastery right now, you can enroll in the 60-Day Online Course: "21 Lessons in the Art and Science of Breathwork." Visit:

Or, join my Breath Mastery Inner Circle, and freely access almost 40 years of breath and breathing research, articles, essays, audio/video files, seminar transcripts, workshop handouts, and even complete training manuals! Visit:

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